Ethics of the COVID-19 vaccines from the USCCB • Answers to Key Ethical Questions About COVID-19 Vaccines • Moral Considerations Regarding the New COVID-19 Vaccines • Moral Guidance on Vaccines, Biomedical Research•Dave Ramsey Being heralded as a financial genius, Ramsey incorporates biblical principals to being responsible with money. He has helped millions of people achieve financial peace for their lives and families. Visit the website for more information.• Becoming a marriage - and family - building parish This resource guide has been developed by the Diocese of Bismarck to help parishes develop a plan for offering marriage and family enrichment and educational opportunities within a parish small or large group setting, in keeping with the USCCB's five-year goal of strengthening marriage and family. This resource also lists DVDs, study programs and movies that can be obtained through the Bismarck Diocese Office of Family Ministry.• Beginning experience: A weekend away for a lifetime of change The loss of a loved one through separation, divorce or death is one of life's most traumatic experiences. It can result in nearly unbearable feelings of loneliness and grief. Many people who have suffered this loss feel left out by their church, uneasy around married friends, unsure of themselves and uncertain about their future.
A short, easy to read booklet packed with traditional Catholic prayers. (English and Spanish)
• Prenatal Diagnosis
A prenatal diagnosis can cause deep suffering and grief and can create many questions. Where can mothers turn when her medical professionals do not support carrying the child to term? The ebook by Our Sunday Visitor entitled Journey in Love: A Catholic Mother’s Prayers after Prenatal Diagnosis is available for free to anyone whom may need it. It is available here for download or print.
Journey in Love: A Catholic Mother’s Prayers after Prenatal Diagnosis is a resource to support from an author whom knows this suffering first hand. Kathryn Anne Casey walks with you through the stages of grief, helps you to pray even when you feel you cannot, sheds new light on the comfort and grace of the Church’s traditional prayers and provides medications tied to the liturgical year.• Retirement Guides What is Medicare? Senior Benefits and Discounts Memory Care Guide