Are you or someone you know struggling in a marriage? The diocesan program for troubled marriages called Corazon (Spanish for heart) is available the weekend of Feb. 14-16. Couples who are in a marriage in crisis are encouraged to attend. All confidences are kept and privacy for anyone inquiring about or attending a Corazon weekend is a priority. For questions, contact Amanda at 701-204-7205. For couple registration or additional information, visit
The Cursillo of the Bismarck Diocese will be holding their 2025 Cursillo weekends in March. Cursillo is a short course in Christianity for adults that takes place over a four-day weekend retreat. The men’s weekend will be March 6-9, with the women’s weekend following on March 20-23. For more information or to register, visit Click title above to view/print the flyer.
Dan and Stephanie Burke will present a talk on Thursday, February 13 at 6:30 PM at the Cathedral. The topic will be Spiritual Warfare and the Discernment of Spirits. Dan and Stephanie are Catholic authors and serve as Founder and Executive Director of the Avila Foundation which is the home of, the Avila Institute, and Divine Intimacy Radio. The event is free and open to the public.
Because housing is a basic human right and concerns the common good, the political community has a duty to ensure that all its citizens have safe and decent housing.
Pax Christi Catholic Church is a diverse parish and home to 1,350 families in Rochester, Minn. We seek a full time director of parish mission who, in collaboration with the pastor, will lead parish efforts in advancing the mission and vision of Pax Christi Church. Key responsibilities will include: implementation of Pax Christi’s pastoral plan, direct staff in faith formation and liturgy and lead the parish team and ministry leaders. The job description can be found here: Please submit a cover letter, resume and application to [email protected] Application deadline is Feb. 3, 2025.
Who are we? The Saint Serra Vocations Apostolate of Bismarck-Mandan are lay Catholic men and women of all ages. (It’s a worldwide apostolate that started in 1935) We pray for, encourage and foster religious vocations in our diocese while growing in personal holiness. How? Click/tap title above for more information.
The Knights of Columbus are hosting a breakfast to support pro-life efforts on Sunday, Jan. 19 from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at Christ the King Church in Mandan. The menu includes pancakes, sausage, eggs, loaded hash browns, oatmeal with fruit and milk. Despite Roe vs. Wade being overturned, more than ever, pro-life groups need our help and support to win hearts to support a culture of life. Everyone is welcome!
Bishop Kagan will be celebrating Mass on Friday, Jan. 24 at 6 p.m. at the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit to recognize the holy marriage of Joseph and Mary, and to uphold and celebrate married life as a path to holiness. All are invited to this celebration in recognition of the Feast of the Holy Spouses which was traditionally celebrated in Church history on January 23. Bismarck-Mandan Knights of Columbus councils will sponsor a social in the Cathedral gathering space following the Mass.
The University of Mary will host its annual Saint Hildegard Lecture on Monday, Jan. 27, featuring Dr. Russell Hittinger, a world-renowned Catholic scholar and authority on Catholic social thought. Dr. Hittinger’s lecture, titled “What is a Social Encyclical?” will begin at 10 a.m. in Founders Hall at the Lumen Vitae University Center (LVUC) on the University of Mary campus. The public is invited to attend this free event. Under the direction of the University of Mary’s esteemed Catholic Studies program, the Saint Hildegard Lecture is a highlight of the academic year. Dr. Hittinger will delve into two paradigms of Catholic social thought, exploring contemporary interpretations often labeled as “right” and “left” Catholicism. He will provide a unique account of the “social” ontology in Catholic Social Teaching, illuminating how this framework defends the dignity of the human person and society alike.