“The most beautiful and stirring adventure that can happen to you is the personal meeting with Jesus, who is the only one who gives real meaning to our lives.”
– St. John Paul II, his Address to the Representative of the Italian Military (March 1, 1979).
Dive Deeper into knowing the person of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. As a response to the Eucharistic Revival inaugurated by The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, the Bismarck Diocese has partnered with University of Mary to bring a team of college students on fire to evangelize, to your city and offer a deep Eucharistic Retreat experience. The mission of these retreats is to provide a space where young people can experience the love of God in a renewed and transformative way. The title Emmaus is derived from chapter 24 of Luke's gospel— where Jesus draws near to His discouraged disciples. Jesus' model of evangelization in this gospel account is one we seek to follow through
these retreats.
The Emmaus Youth retreats are lead by the University of Mary Ministry team and the Bismarck Diocese. The retreats will feature talks, activates, music, Eucharistic Adoration, Mass, and fellowship with other young Catholics. There will be 5 different retreats, 1 in each deanery. The retreat is open to youth grades 6-9 and students preparing to receive the sacrament of Confirmation.